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Multi genre author Joel Goulet - http://www.joelgoulet.com Joel Goulet is a multi-genre author-horror, suspense, sci-fi-western, fantasy. You can find his several novels at many online booksellers. Novel prices start at $3.00, or you can read his books for FREE on Amazon Kindle Unlimited at Amazon.com. [ Link Details ] |
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Tamil Kavithai Love - https://www.vinublog.com/tamil-kavithai Vinu Blog is an informational and helpful site which provides health tips, beauty tips,food recipes, Spiritual content and Tamil Poetry as well Thirukkural with explanation. [ Link Details ] |
Ralphie the Roach by Ray Sobrino Jr - https://www.raysobrinojr.com/book-ralphie-the-roach-by-ray-sobrino-jr/ Ralphie the Roach is a story of how to be nice to another regardless of how you live or the type of family you have. This story teaches us that you may not be the prettiest of insects, but you might have the biggest heart. [ Link Details ] |
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A LAW FROM EDEN - https://www.alawfromeden.com/ In the last days the wicked will have created a false Christianity. All the woes to the hypocrite can be read to those who belong to this false Christianity. However, Jesus tells us this: “If my people, which are called by my name, (Christians) shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). The healing of America will not come from our political system, but rather from this false Christianity when those in the church see the light, repent, return to God, end sin in their lives, and are made holy. Holy people do not commit fornication the sex of Sodom and Gomorrah. [ Link Details ] |
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PERFECT FLAWS - https://www.timsegrestauthor.com/ This book is a collection of poetry of how I managed and dealt with my PTSD symptoms. Every so often, I stopped and added a little something attempting to explain the poetry, or sometimes just something I thought you might need to know. It is real and I don't sugar coat anything so if I feel profanity is needed, I use it. The term "Hilda" refers to when we get bad intelligence and we have to change a mission essential, and all Hell breaks. Most of it is war poetry but some of it refers to everyday living things. [ Link Details ] |
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An Endless Quest For Espiritual truth - https://www.ericchifundabooks.com/ The book was written as an exploration of spiritual truth about life, love, and God beyond what is commonly known. It is a quest for the truth beyond what the human eye meets. Our daily actions, successes, failures, relationships, events, accidents, though mundane on the surface, all have their attendant spiritual aspect, which is the higher version of reality of the physical act. [ Link Details ] |
A Kids Life: Loving, Learning, Growing by Alana Konieczka - https://www.alanakonieczka.com/ This is a collection of stories aimed at the young reader. The stories are short enough to keep a young reader both entertained and interested. Some of the stories are meant to engage the young reader like Grandma’s Magic Pants or Me and My Dog. Others try to subtly teach a lesson like bullying is not okay, starting a new school can be hard, or don’t judge others by their looks. Each story tells a tale by itself and will be read over and over again. [ Link Details ] |
Prediction Stories by Jacquelyn Hester Colleton-Akins - https://www.colleton-akinsbooks.com/ The storytelling begins with the first child of Peter and Ruby Hester’s family. Friday night enjoyment time is conducted by my daddy sharing moments with the children named Sue Ann, Henry, and Jacquelyn. [ Link Details ] |
Katie and Kenny Tour the Railroad by Keith N. Corman - https://www.keithcormanbooks.com/ Katie and Kenny, along with their father, are taken on a tour of the local railroad yard by an engineer with the railroad. The basis of the book is to introduce children to the role railroads play in our lives, their importance, and to stress safety around railroads and their equipment: “NO PLAYGROUND!” [ Link Details ] |
THE LADYBUG AND THE BULLY FROG - http://www.solomonthesnail.com/ The community of friends can't play at the pond because of the bully named Milton the Frog. Clover the Rabbit calls on the help of Mrs. Ladybug, “Dot” as she is known to her friends, and they seek the wisdom of Solomon the Snail to deal with the problem how to help Milton see that he is being mean. [ Link Details ] |
Trini: My Life of Poems - https://www.trinir.com/ Trini: My Life of Poems is a story of determination, courage, and unyielding faith. Each poem is a chapter in the life of a single mom’s struggles and victories. A fascinating journey expressed from the heart of a gifted writer. [ Link Details ] |
THE SHADOW OF THE STAFF - https://mahaddadnovels.com/ In the land of Hatu lives a quite Myopian named Burton Brew. Burton is the last descendant of the destroyers of the staff of power. His adventures take a turn as he travels to the Elf stronghold of Fallquint when an army of the followers of the Evil Wizard Porttia declares war against all free peoples. His travels take him far and wide as he undertakes the quest given to him by the Elf Lord Mindeloria. His adventures culminate in the siege of one of the last bastions of the free peoples of Hatu. [ Link Details ] |
A Proper Weight Loss Program and Improving Health - https://cyrus21century.com/book/#proper-weight-loss This is a book for weight loss and improving health, using the latest science and technology concepts. You will find new concepts here and there. The author believes that if diet and exercise are not joyful, perhaps you are doing something wrong. [ Link Details ] |